On July 22, 2022, a program was organized at Nilambur Railway Station as a part of the 75th Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav celebration. The event was attended by NSS volunteers of Jamia Nadwiyya Arts and Science College who participated in various activities to commemorate the occasion.
The program commenced with a drawing competition where the volunteers were given the opportunity to showcase their artistic skills by drawing pictures related to the freedom struggle and India's journey towards independence. The participants displayed their creativity through their drawings, and it was a wonderful sight to witness their enthusiasm towards the theme.
Following the drawing competition, the volunteers then took part in singing patriotic songs that reflected the pride and glory of our nation. The participants sang with passion and vigor, and their voices echoed throughout the station, filling the atmosphere with a sense of patriotism and unity.
The event was organized with the aim of instilling a sense of national pride among the youth and to remind them of the sacrifices made by our freedom fighters to achieve independence. The program also aimed to showcase the progress that India has made in the last 75 years since independence.
Overall, the program was a great success, and the volunteers left the venue with a sense of pride and appreciation for our nation's rich history and heritage. The event also served as a reminder for everyone present to continue striving towards the betterment of our country and to always remain grateful to those who fought for our freedom.